These tips can help ensure your house is more energy efficient and hopefully save you money on heating and electric bills-
Insulation- If your loft insulation falls below 270mm it may be the time to upgrade this. Upgrading it will improve your energy efficency rating.
Draft Proofing - If you pay attention to areas which are letting a draft in eg letterbox, windows, conservatory and fill in gaps this will improve your Energy Rating
Cavity Walll Insulation- Do you know what is between your walls? If not it may be worth finding out and upgrading any insulation. Recently in Northern Ireland some areas were given free Cavity Wall Insulation so maybe worthwhile looking into this also.
Renewable Energy- Solar panels can be pitched on the roof and potentially earn you an income.
Lighting- Just by switching old lightbulbs to new more efficient ones eg Halogen can save you money. They may cost more to buy but will save money in the long run.
Boiler -It really makes all the difference if you have an Energy Efficient boiler. Also having it serviced regularly will enable it to run more effictively.Look out for bolier with an A rating if you are looking to replace your current system.